5 ways to improve the SEO of your website - UIORA

Ana Sayfa Reklam

5 Haziran 2020 Cuma

5 ways to improve the SEO of your website

     Natural referencing (SEO) has become, in recent years, one of the foundations of the success of a website.

     Indeed, search engines, especially Google, have put in place a certain number of constraints and requirements regarding the ability of a site to return in search results.

     It is, therefore, necessary to continuously improve its key pages, to regularly review its contents, and to analyze its site from a semantic and technical point of view...


Analyze your keywords and the density of your pages

     Analyzing the frequency of repetition of a keyword on a page is useful for two simple reasons: to avoid over-optimization which will harm your reference, and to make sure that your keyword and its semantic declination are sufficiently present for search engines. Thus, you can : 
  1. Watch how often your keyword and synonymous terms are used.
  2. Make sure that keywords are used naturally in your text.
  3. Always keep in mind to avoid keyword stuffing.
     When you build your page around a keyword, you should not fall into the black hat technique, while making sure that it is sufficiently present. To do this, you have to think about the construction of your page from an editorial point of view.

     By focusing on writing quality content, which provides real information, with coherent illustrations, you will naturally integrate your keywords and write a page dense enough to avoid over-optimization.

     For example, in order to optimize one of our key pages "3D animation school", we have declined certain aspects of the lessons as a sub-part of the page.

     Thus, we have addressed themes that fit into the global semantic cocoon. In this way, we have brought more density to the page while sending indicators to Google on what it brings to the Internet users thanks to our H2 and H3.

     It's best to think of the SEO structure of your page as a plan, just like for an essay. Then you write content that is aimed at the users and not Google.

     By combining these two ways of writing, for search engines and for your audience, you will necessarily have content optimized for SEO.

focus on your keywords

There are certain attributes of your page that must include your target keyword. Beyond the raw content that you will write, you must also think about :
  • Meta Description
  • Title tag
  • H1
  • H2 and H3 according to the structure of your page
     You should know that these attributes can also use terms synonymous with the target keyword. This will create a lexical field highly appreciated by Google robots that will crawl your website.

     The goal is to create and capitalize on your meta tags to accurately describe the content of the page, engage the user, and integrate target keywords whenever possible.

make sure you don't have any broken links

     When you think SEO on-page, checking that all links are valid may seem obvious, but it remains a technique sometimes forgotten! We think especially to densify its content and to optimize its semantic cocoon.

     However, as the website evolves and undergoes changes, internal and external links can break and lead to 404 errors.

     It is important to know that from an SEO point of view, these broken links can negatively impact the referencing of a page. Indeed, they are easily identified by search engine crawlers and are penalized.  

     There are many tools available to help you easily index this kind of link to take corrective actions. For example, SEM Rush or Screaming Frog have such features.

Don't forget to optimize your images

     Images are content that is just as indispensable as they can be penalizing! On the one hand, it is essential to embellish your various media pages, such as videos or images.

     It is an element considered by Google for your SEO, and most often appreciated by Internet users.

     On the other hand, it is important to optimize each of the imported media, and especially the images that sometimes weigh very heavy and penalize the loading speed of your website. For each image included in one of your pages, think in particular of :
  • Write an "alternative text", which plays its role in terms of SEO
  • Adapt the format to the content and the web
  • Compress the weight of each image
     Why optimize each image that you insert on your website? Because the loading speed of a page and this is even more true on mobile phones, it is one of the strong factors in the referencing of a site.

     The objective of this exercise of image compression is therefore to promote the speed of your pages, both for search engines and for Internet users.

     It is therefore a question of thinking both SEO and UX/UI.

     In addition, the loading speed of a site is also a conversion factor. From now on, an Internet user expects quality information from a website and the speed of access to this information. The less effort he will have to make, the more likely he is to make a purchase. The opposite is also true.

Think about reworking some of your content

     Do you have content that generates a lot of traffic? Reworking them by updating them is a very good SEO technique!

     Every piece of content you write is a source of SEO. Whether it's an outdated article or one that dealt with news from 2018, it can be beneficial to bring it up to date.

     Search engines take into account the age and density of a website. So if your pages are obsolete but several years old, think about reworking them!

     You can, moreover, take the opportunity to make this page denser and provide even more detailed information. As a reminder, informative pages with a certain word length are particularly appreciated by Google.

     To take the same example as before, we have created a page "3D animation jobs", which requires regular updates. It is important to bring in new job descriptions regularly to face the competition and to work on them in depth.

     Thus, each job description must be worked on conscientiously so that each addition has real weight in terms of SEO.

     In short, regularly updating, improving, and revising content is an important part of your website's SEO.

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